Giulio Bolacchi

Chair and Professor of Sociology and Social Psychology

Department of International Post Graduate Programs, AILUN

- International Master in Science of Organization

- International Master in Tourism Management



Prof. Giulio Bolacchi


On line papers

Strutture teoriche e scienze...

Prefazione all'edizione italiana...

Intervento al convegno...

Pluralismo e innovazione

Egemonia o pluralismo?

Definiamo il pluralismo

Un'autonomia in regime di...

Le scatole vuote...

Introduzione all'edizione italiana...

Il sequestro come fatto...

Cap.7: Conclusioni

On "social sciences" and science

Vita (pdf)


Via Pasquale Paoli

08100 Nuoro, Sardinia, Italy

Phone: +39 0784-226226 (Nuoro)

+39 070-658077 (Cagliari)

E-mail: g.bolacchi@

Other Current Positions

Psychologist on the Italian Rolls.

Member, ABA International.

Member, Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies.

Member of the Editorial Board of Behavior and Philosophy, Journal published by the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies.

Research Interests

His primary research focuses are:


the integration of the social sciences (especially economics, behavioristic psychology and sociology);



the extension of the experimental method to the study of man and society;


the definition of the parameters which allow the translatability among the languages explaining behavior from different perspectives.

His scientific activities concern: the methodology of social sciences and the experimental analysis of behavior; the scientific study of social interaction using the theory of interests to explicate the conflict and the cooperation, the structure of power, the structure of social exchange, the concept of organization and the main social phenomena (social classes, pluralism and collectivism, the dynamics of organizations, deviant social behaviors and the punishment, values and ideologies, market and institutions); the socio-economic problems and conditions of transition from underdeveloped to developed situations.

He is also interested in learning processes and teaching methods (particularly with reference to psychological variables of learning and change of attitudes),computer aided programmed instruction and distance learning.

Main Scientific Publications


A New Paradigm for the Integration of the Social Sciences, in Nancy K. Innis (ed),  Reflections on Adaptive Behavior: Essays in Honor of J. E. R. Staddon, M.I.T. Press, 2008.


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On "social sciences" and science, in Behavior & Philosophy, 32, 465-478 (2004).


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Politiche di sviluppo, innovazione, parchi scientifici e tecnologici (Development Policies, Innovation, Scientific and Technological Parks), in La Programmazione in Sardegna, Anno XXXIV, Numero 02/2001, novembre 2001.


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Il sequestro come fatto sociale (The Kidnapping as a Social Fact), Editrice Dattena, Cagliari, 1998.

Capitolo 7: Conclusioni (Conclusions)

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Il sequestro come fatto sociale (The Kidnapping as a Social Fact ), in Quaderni Bolotanesi, N. 22, 1996.


Introduction to the Italian edition of G.C. Homans, The Nature of Social Sciences, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1989.


Le scatole vuote della sociologia (The Empty Boxes of Sociology), in J. Jacobelli (ed.), Dove va la sociologia italia-
, Laterza, Bari, 1988.


Sviluppo della piccola e media impresa e assetti istituzionali con riferimento alla politica dei servizi e alle condizioni operative rispetto alla grande impresa (Development of Small and Medium Size Firms and Institutional Orders with reference to the Public Services Policy and the Working Conditions as regards to Large Firms) (collaboration), within the CNR project "Struttura ed evoluzione dell'economia italiana", Milano, 1987.


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Le ragioni del mancato sviluppo delle province della Sardegna (The Reasons for the Non-development of Sardinia Districts) in G. Sabattini (ed.), Dal sottosviluppo allo sviluppo in Sardegna, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1986.


Oligopolio e crescita economica. Il passaggio dal sottosviluppo allo sviluppo in Sardegna (Oligopoly and Economic Growth. The Transition from the Underdevelopment to the Development in Sardinia) (co-authored with G. Sabattini, T. Usai), FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1985.


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Artigianato e sviluppo economico (Handicrafts Activities and Economic Development) (co-authored with G. Sabattini), in Artigianato e sviluppo economico. Atti della 2^ conferenza regionale dell'artigianato, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1984.


Una nuova teoria sulla crescita economica (A New Theory on Economic Growth) (co-authored with G. Sabattini, T. Usai), in P. Savona (ed.), Per un'altra Sardegna, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1984.


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Un'autonomia in regime di dipendenza (Self-government in a dependence situation), in P. Savona (ed.), Per un'altra Sardegna, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1984.


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Zona di produzione franca: Una proposta per la Sardegna (Duty-free production area: a proposal for Sardinia) (co-authored with G. Sabattini), FrancoAngeli, Milano, 1984. (In 1984 he won the Iglesias Prize with this book.)


Contro gli incendi (Against arsons), Edizioni Sardegna da scoprire, Cagliari, 1983.(The book, published by the Sardinia Government during a social campaign of sensitization against the misbehavour of setting fire to wooden area and tipical Mediterranean vegetation, contains a text in programmed instruction on the ecological equilibrium.)


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In questa repubblica non c'è pluralismo (No pluralism in this republic), in La Repubblica, 10-11 giugno 1979.


Definiamo il pluralismo (A definition of pluralism), in Il Sole 24 ore, 22 marzo 1978


Egemonia o pluralismo? (Hegemony or pluralism?), in Il Sole 24 ore, 4 marzo 1978


Pluralismo e innovazione (Pluralism and innovation), in Il Sole 24 ore, 15 febbraio 1978


Intervento al convegno: "Incontro di studio sul tema impresa e mercato. I vincoli all'operare in Italia" (Read at the conference: "Meeting on enterprise and market. Bonds to operate in Italy)Portofino Vetta, 28-29 ottobre 1977, in Rivista di Politica Economica; Anno LXVIII_III serie, marzo, fascicolo III; 1978


Preface to the Italian edition of B.F. Skinner, About Behaviorism, SugarCo Edizioni, Milano, 1974.


Processo di apprendimento e strutture ideologiche (Learning Processes and Ideological Structures), in Studi di Economia, vol. V, 1974, n. 1.


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Concorrenza, collettivismo, pianificazione (Competition, Collectivism, Planning), in Studi di Economia, vol. V, 1974, n. 3.


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L'analisi scientifica del comportamento di scelta (The Scientific Analysis of Choice Behavior), in Studi di Economia, vol. III, 1972, n. 2/3 e vol. IV, 1973, nn. 1 e 2.


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Il problema del metodo nella sociologia (The Problem of Research Method in Sociology), in Studi di Economia, vol. V, 1972.


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La struttura del potere (The Structure of Power), Edizioni Ricerche, Roma, 1964.


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Strutture teoriche e scienze sociali (Theoretical Structures and Social Sciences), in AA.VV., Sviluppo economico e tecnica della pianificazione, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 1963.


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Metodologia delle scienze sociali (Methodology of the Social Sciences), Edizioni Ricerche, Roma, 1963.


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Teoria delle classi sociali (Social Classes Theory), Edizioni Ricerche, Roma, 1963.

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Academic Career


Assistant Professor in the University of Cagliari.



Temporary Professor of History of Economic Thought, Faculty of Economics, University of Cagliari.



Qualified Lecturer (Libero Docente) in Sociology.



Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Economics, University of Cagliari.



Professor of Sociology and Social Psychology, Faculty of Economics, University of Cagliari.



Chair, Institute of Economics and Statistics (Faculty of Economics, University of Cagliari).



Chair, Institute of Economic Sociology (Faculty of Economics, University of Cagliari).



Associate Founder of AILUN, charged as Responsible for Managerial Post Graduate Programs and Research Activities in the field of Social Sciences.



Chair of the International Post Graduate Program in Science of Organization.



Chair of the International Post Graduate Program in Tourism Management.



Past Institutional Appointments


Member of the Board of Directors of RAI (Italian Public Television); in 1976 he designed the organizational reform of the public broadcasting service.


Member of the Scientific Committee of Confindustria (Italian Manufacturers Association) and locum facens Director of the Public Relations Department, Rome.


Member of the Board of Directors of ISTUD, Istituto Studi Direzionali (Institute for Managerial Studies), Stresa.


Member of the Board of Directors of CENSIS, Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali (Centre for the Social Studies and Investments), Rome.


Member of the Board of Directors of ISFOL, Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori (Institute for the Development of Vocational Training for Workers), Public Corporation, Rome.


Member of the National Cabinet Committee for the definition of the outlines of the junior compulsory education.


Member of the Scientific Committee for the setting up of a duty-free area in Sardinia.


Member of the Interdisciplinary Work Group for the functional and organizational rearrangement and design of the Regional Agencies System within the Reform of Sardinia Government.

via Pasquale Paoli - 08100 Nuoro Italia
tel. (+39) 0784 226 226 
 fax (+39) 0784 203 158