Prof. David C. Palmer

David C. Palmer

Lecturer of Behavioral Psychology and Statistics
Smith College at Northampton, Massachusetts (USA)

Personal page:

List of publications (pdf)

Education: B.S. in Geology and English at University of Massachusetts; M.S. in Psychology at University of Massachusetts; Ph.D. in Psychology at University of Massachusetts.

Research interests: Behavioristic psychology; Principles of learning; Conceptual foundation of behavioral interpretations of complex human behavior; Covert behavior, automatic reinforcement and joint control; Verbal behavior; Developmental disabilities; Biology; Statistics.

Present positions: Editorial Board: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior; The Behavior Analysit, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior ● Consulting Psychologist, Riverside Industries (vocational and day habilitation program for mentally retarded adults).


(2008) David C. Palmer. On Skinner’s definition of verbal behaviour. International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, Vol. 8 No. 3 (October), pp. 295-307 (

(2006) David C. Palmer, On Chomsky's appraisal of Skinner's Verbal Behavior: A half century of misunderstanding, The Behavior Analyst, 29, 253–267 No. 2 (Fall) (

(2005) David C. Palmer. Ernst Moerk and the puzzle of zero-trial learning. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 21, 9–12 (

(2004) David C. Palmer et al. Dialogue on private events. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 20, 111-128 (

(1999) Palmer, D. C., A call for tutorials on alternative approaches to the study of verbal behavior. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior,16, 45-58 (

(1996) Palmer, D. C., Achieving parity: The role of automatic reinforcement. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 65, 289-290 (

(1988) Donahoe, J. W. & Palmer, D. C., Inhibition: A cautionary tale. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 50, 333-341 (

(1989) Donahoe, J. W. & Palmer, D. C., The interpretation of complex human behavior: Some reactions to parallel distributed processing. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 51, 399-416 (

Updated: February 3, 2010

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